An important part of hydro scheme monitoring is the yearly completion of an abstraction returns. This report informs the relevant regulatory body, about the amount of water that was taken for use in a hydro scheme, ensuring that the scheme is complying with the abstraction licence agreement that has been granted for the scheme.

OM-3 provides an abstraction returns report service for all our clients each year, collating all the data needed, completing forms and submitting to the relevant agency.

We also undertake Abstraction returns as a bespoke service for new clients; please contact us if we can help with your next abstraction return.

In the last 2 years, OM-3 has completed over 175 returns of SEPA, EA, NRW and NIEA.

OM-3 Undertakes Abstraction Returns for

Scotland Scottish Environment Protection Agency End of Jan
England Environment Agency End of Mar & Oct
Northern Ireland Northern Ireland  Environment Agency Under Review 
Wales Natural Resources Wales End of Mar & Oct

Find out how OM-3 can assist you with your Abstraction Return’s

Please contact the Operations Team